Farmers battling potentially one of the worse droughts on record told Labour leader David Shearer yesterday production from Wairarapa farms would double if winter water could be captured and stored.
Mr Shearer and shadow regional development minister Shane Jones were on a fact-finding trip to Wairarapa in the wake of a farmers' meeting earlier this week that resolved to urge the Government to officially declare Wairarapa in drought.
While on the Rose family farm in rural Carterton, Mr Shearer was told by farmer John Rose that by "watering Wairarapa" the district's contribution to the New Zealand economy would double.
With the farm in the grip of drought, Mr Rose said sprinklers used to irrigate the dairy property were only able to be used for a quarter of their normal cycle. Stock were simply being kept alive until rain comes. The dairy herd has been chopped back by 100 cows with 440 now being milked.
Mr Rose said those 100 cows "could have earned the country $200,000 next year".