More than 3000 farming injuries were reported in Wairarapa from 2011 to 2013 - costing the accident compensation scheme more than $9 million.
According to ACC, claim numbers were highest in 2012 with 487 new claims and 691 active claims. The figures included injuries to workers on sheep, beef, dairy cattle, poultry and other livestock farms, as well as those involved in fruit, vegetable, grain, plant and crop growing.
The total cost of active claims was, however, highest in 2011 at $1,551,000.
Federated Farmers Wairarapa president Jamie Falloon said a combined approach to safety by farmers and farm workers was needed to bring the figures down.
"Farmers have to make sure they continue to adhere to health and safety practices ... [and] workers have to take on a level of personal responsibility," he said.