A prominent South Wairarapa dairy farmer has pleaded guilty to the illegal discharge of dairy shed effluent into waterways.
Selwyn Bruce Donald appeared before Judge Chris Tuohy in the Masterton District Court recently, pleading guilty to a charge under the environment act, of illegal discharge of effluent - in breach of his resource consent permit.
Charges against his farm manager, Daniel Hart, were withdrawn.
The court heard Donald, the former president of the Wairarapa Racing Club, was the manager of a trust farm in the South Wairarapa where effluent discharge from the milking shed, being pumped onto paddocks, was found running into the Tauherenikau Drain, which runs 2km upstream of Lake Wairarapa.
The farm milks 320 cows with the farm the holder of resource consent which permits the farm to irrigate effluent onto paddocks.