A Waikato dairy farm has broken through the $100,000 a hectare barrier despite milk dropping to less than $5 a kilo.
The continuing collapse of whole milk powder prices on the GlobalDairyTrade auction has failed to deter Waikato farm buyers from setting a new record pricing level for a dairy farm in the province.
The latest GlobalDairyTrade auction earlier this month saw the price of whole milk powder drop another 7.1 per cent. The drop was credited to China buying less product, combined with surging output in Europe, the United States and Australia.
Russia's ban on European cheese imports has also worsened the situation -- with European milk instead dried into powder and dumped into markets New Zealand usually dominates.
ANZ chief economist Cameron Bagrie said the low prices being achieved for whole milk powder could even necessitate the Government looking to intervene by adjusting either the official cash rate or the New Zealand dollar ... or both.