Daffodil Day brekkie
Northland College is hosting Daffodil Day breakfasts on Friday with three seatings for guests. The breakfasts will be in the Northland College Hub 1, next to the whare, at 6.30am, 7.30am, and 8.30am. To book email geraldinet@northlandcollege.school.nz. Cost is $25, with children under-13 charged $1 for every year. For more info on Daffodil Day, and to find events near you, go to https://daffodilday.org.nz/
Cyclone funding
Far North District Council has received $220,000 to support land categorisation in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle. Emergency Management and Recovery Minister Mark Mitchell has allocated $16.8 million of Budget funding to support councils in accelerating recovery efforts following the severe weather events of 2023. “Councils have said they require additional expertise to speed up their priority recovery projects, and this funding enables exactly that,” Mitchell said. “It will be distributed to 12 councils, for 50 separate initiatives which councils identified to help get faster outcomes for their communities. This includes additional geotechnical expertise to speed up decision-making on landslide-affected properties, as well as resources to accelerate roading recovery, bridge repairs, and flood protection projects in affected regions.“
NZTrio on tour