Q. What is Help Our Kids?
A. Help Our Kids is a Herald campaign that aims to raise funds for Starship.
Q. What is Starship?
Q. What is Help Our Kids?
A. Help Our Kids is a Herald campaign that aims to raise funds for Starship.
Q. What is Starship?
Starship is the national children's hospital. It is situated in Auckland and serves children and adolescents from the Auckland region as well as providing many services, such as cardiac surgery, for those from anywhere in New Zealand.
Q. What is the problem with Starship's operating theatres?
A. There are six operating theatres. The two cardiac theatres date from 2003 and a quite adequate. The other four date from 1991, have had relatively little upgrading and are considered out of date. The theatres are frequently at capacity because of population growth and the increasing complexity of surgery.
Q. What is the theatres project?
A. The theatres suite is being expanded and upgraded to cope with the increasing demand for children's surgery. The pre-operative and post-op areas have been expanded and made better for children and parents. Work has started on building a seventh theatre and on refurbishing the first of the four original theatres that will be upgraded. New lighting, new surgical video screens and other advanced technology will be installed to enhance patient care and working conditions.
Q. Who is paying for the project?
A. The taxpayer-funded Auckland District Health Board is undertaking the project at a cost of around $9 million. The Starship Foundation fundraising charity has pledged to raise $3.1 million.
Q. What will the Help Our Kids money go towards?
A. The $150,000 from the Help Our Kids campaign will help fund vital equipment for the new operating theatre and refurbish four of the existing operating rooms.
Q. How can I make a donation?
A. You can make online and offline donations.
Offline donations can be made by printing off the form below and filling it out. Or look in the print edition of the Herald.
- SAMUEL'S STORY: He needs six tubes to keep him alive but he's not a sick kid
- THE CAMPAIGN: $9m upgrade for Starship - Why it needs to happen
- LUCY LAWLESS: Get behind Help our Kids
The man was witnessed attacking the swan by nearby wildlife photographers.