The family of Ben Hawea, who is battling a chronic addiction to drinking and sniffing petrol, have denied that he was homeless when he appeared in court recently on an indecent assault charge and they have also criticised police for what they described as a "breakdown in communication".
Hawea's grandfather Tere Torea said his grandson had been staying with him and his grandmother in Wairarapa since his release from prison in February and making positive progress, despite it being stated in court more than two weeks ago that he was of "no fixed abode".
On April 4 Hawea, 22, appeared in Masterton District Court charged with indecently assaulting a schoolgirl in Masterton on March 28. He allegedly talked to her before touching her midriff and breast.
During that hearing Sergeant Jodie Lawrence, prosecuting, said the alleged incident was captured on CCTV and the accused was under the influence of petrol at the time of the alleged offence. She objected to bail, saying Hawea was "a risk to the public".
Mr Torea and Hawea's aunt Liz Hing told the Wairarapa Times-Age that they believed Hawea had made significant progress in recent months and he had been unfairly represented.