A Papakura family are living in a cold, damp "undrained swamp" of a home, and they say their landlord is refusing to fix it.
A family living in an Auckland "undrained swamp house" are being evicted after going public about the insanitary living conditions.
Dawn Robbie, her partner Cameron and their two young children have been living for the past 21 months in a rental house that floods underneath every time it rains.
Robbie said as a result the house was damp, cold and making her family sick.
Manurewa-Papakura Ward councillor Daniel Newman highlighted their case with Auckland Council, labelling the house "an undrained swamp, unhealthy ... mosquito infested, prone to flooding and unworthy of the $520 weekly rent".
The council investigated and issued an insanitary notice on August 31 - giving landlord Aven Raj 10 days to resolve the property's issues or face a $200,000 fine and an extra $20,000 each day the issues remained.
"We were pretty upset, we didn't see it coming. We just wanted the issues to be fixed. We didn't want to have to leave our home."
Since the council's insanitary notice was issued Robbie said the drainage issues at the property had been fixed.
"Workers came around and put a pipe in under the house. All of the water has been drained, it is dry and they have put in polystyrene insulation."
Auckland Council visited the property on Tuesday and lifted the notice, Robbie said.
"The only remaining issue was a bit of mould in one of the rooms and the bathroom, but the main problems have been fixed."
It floods each time it rains under this rental house of a young Papakura family. Photo / Supplied
Robbie and her young family have applied for several rentals so far but are having some issues given the high profile of their current case, and finding a place that would accept their dog.
"I knew raising these issues would be a challenge, but this was not the resolution I was asking for. I didn't want to be kicked out just for going to media.
"If we hadn't done that [the landlord] would have done nothing.
"It is hard for tenants. It is not OK and not how it should be. We are living in a swamp house and it took media for action be taken. Now we are being evicted."
Flooding under the rental house of a young Papakura family. Photo / Supplied
Robbie said the Tenancy Services, part of the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, was taking a case against their landlord on their behalf.
Landlords would have to prove a house was up to liveable standards before leasing it out.
"You can't lease or sell a dangerous car to anyone in New Zealand, there are warrant of fitness checks for that"' Davidson said.
"To be able to lease a house that is life-threatening to a family with children under 4 years old is not acceptable. Everyone deserves to live in a dry, warm, healthy home.
"To argue against this is to defend the minority of landlords doing the wrong thing and putting families at risk of life-threatening respiratory illness caused by mould."
The property manager has been approached for comment.