The 28th Maori Battalion colours are marched in. Photo / Supplied
The 28th Maori Battalion colours are marched in. Photo / Supplied
The whānau of 24 Māori Battalion soldiers who fought in World War II have received their unclaimed service medals at a ceremony in Upper Hutt.
New Zealand government policy after World War II was that former service personnel would have to apply for their medals, which would then be sent to them through the post.
This was to avoid the problems experienced after World War I, when about 10 per cent of medals posted to ex-service personnel or their families were returned because of out-of-date address information.
For a variety of reasons, many World War II veterans did not claim their medals.
Upper Hutt’s ceremony was made possible by the work of NZDF Personnel Archives and Medals and David Stone from Te Mata Law.
“The team from NZDF archives are the unsung heroes of this kaupapa. They reviewed thousands of files to determine who had received medals and who were yet to claim,” said Colonel Trevor Walker, who was responsible for coordinating the ceremonies.
Similar ceremonies have been held in Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne, Burnham and Rotorua. Another event will be held at Waitangi in 2023.
“At other locations, the Company affiliation was clear. Here in Upper Hutt, we had family members from all over the motu.”
Four senior New Zealand Army officers presented medals to whānau, which recognise the service and sacrifice of soldiers and officers of the 28th (Maori) Battalion.
28th Maori Battalion medal ceremony in Upper Hutt, Wellington. A family presents their medals. Photo / Supplied
Minister of Defence Peeni Henare also attended the ceremony, at Whirinaki Whare Taonga, and presented medals.
The ceremony was a chance to recognise the soldiers from the battalion who left their homes to fight for New Zealand, said chief of army, Major General John Boswell.
“This is a significant day to honour the service and sacrifice of those soldiers from 28 (Maori) Battalion all those years ago,” he said.
“It’s also an opportunity to recognise the mana they brought to themselves, to their families, the New Zealand Army and New Zealand.”
The families of the men who never claimed their medals are entitled to apply for them through the New Zealand Defence Force Personnel Archives and Medals office.