A Gisborne teenager has overcome several learning disabilities, including dyslexia, to win multiple awards at the Iona College prizegiving.
Zoe Abbott-Raggett, the daughter of Gisborne couple Kate Abbott and Dave Raggett, will start at Otago University next year on the back of a brilliant final year at the Havelock North-based Iona.
The 18-year-old’s list of achievements were topped by jointly receiving the Jackson Cup for proxime accessit (runner-up to dux).
She also won the Athya Boarding Cup and Citizenship Award.
Zoe was presented Level 3 Principal’s awards for art, photography, classics, history and drama, and several NCEA Level 3 academic awards - joint winner of the Meade Writing Cup for English, joint winner of the Art Photography Cup, the Classical Studies Cup, Drama Cup and McGlashan Cup for history.