Financial shortfalls at the new Claudelands Events Centre in Hamilton threaten to make the city's $40 million V8 fiasco look like a bargain, say critics.
Public outrage at the V8 blowout could be repeated over events-centre costs which could amount to $10 million a year.
Net revenue for the current year totals $1.8 million with an operating expenditure of $3.22 million - giving an operating deficit of $1.42 million.
Information requested by Hamilton Citizens and Ratepayer Association president John Easto reveals annual base costs termed asset-related charges total $8.225 million. That covers interest ($4.48 million), depreciation ($3.1 million) and maintenance ($639,000).
Mr Easto, who says costs of the centre have not been finalised because of issues with air conditioning, roofing and carparks, calls it "an embarrassing white elephant".