An issue at the heart of Auckland Council's draft unitary plan is whether the permitted density of housing should be raised in parts of the city.
For one thing, Auckland is seriously short of housing. Second, its population is projected by Statistics NZ to grow by half a million people over the next 20 years. Third, compared to other major cities, Auckland is "flat". Population growth has been accommodated mainly by suburban sprawl.
This expansion cannot continue. Space on the Auckland isthmus is limited; we have an obligation to grow in an environmentally responsible way. This means building more housing near places of work and upgrading infrastructure, with an emphasis on public transport.
One thing that must change is the quarter-acre dream. Because of this aspiration and geographic constraints, the median house price in Auckland hit a record $562,000 in March. The average house grew by 35 per cent between 1991 and 2011.
I am sure Kiwis who want a house and section would change their minds if they had an adequate supply of good quality, higher-intensity housing to choose from.