The podcast and video series Erebus Flight 901: Litany of Lies? runs on nzherald.co.nz on weekdays from Monday November 18 to Thursday November 28, the 40th anniversary of the Erebus disaster. Each day we'll highlight a key moment from the podcast transcript of that episode. You can listen to all the episodes in the NZ On Air-funded series in the iHeart player below or catch up on all our coverage of the disaster at nzherald.co.nz/erebus
Gary Harrison was an Auckland junior barrister and doing a lot of traffic appeal work for the Auckland City Council Traffic Department. Then he was chosen by Justice Peter Mahon, who headed the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Erebus crash, as junior counsel to assist him. The inquiry began in July 1980, eight months after the disaster.
Says Harrison, now a District Court Judge: "This was supposed to be a search for the truth, for exactly what happened. But it began to be more like litigation, with Air New Zealand adopting a fairly entrenched position, and the airline pilots and the representatives of the estates of Captain Collins and the co-pilot in a different camp. And so certainly a search for the truth began in earnest."