One of 2014's biggest mailouts started yesterday, as the Electoral Commission launches its campaign to make sure all eligible New Zealanders are ready to take part in the 2014 General Election on September 20.
"Over 3 million enrolled voters are being sent an enrolment update pack this week," says Murray Wicks, national manager, enrolment services.
"Being correctly enrolled is critical to being able to vote in the general election, so check your mailbox this week for your pack.
"This is your opportunity to check that your details are correct and up to date, or to make any changes. We ask that everyone open their pack to ensure their details are correct, and, if not, to fill in the form and send it back."
Register of Electors Philip Parkes, based at the Masterton mail centre, said overall Wairarapa was 97 per cent enrolled. "Masterton enrolled is 98 per cent, Carterton 99.9 per cent and South Wairarapa towns are 99 per cent.