The old manager's house in Mawley Holiday Park is set to be demolished instead of the Masterton District Council spending up to $190,000 to make it liveable.
It is estimated the house would cost up to $190,000 to restore it to a "sound and liveable condition", according to a report by parks and facilities manager Grant Hathaway in the latest policy and finance committee meeting agenda.
He said the new manager's accommodation was relocated as part of the recent upgrade and the old house was now vacant.
"The old manager's house and garage sits on land bequeathed to council by Mrs Emily Mawley for the purpose of a campground," he said. "Therefore it would not be possible to see, rent or use the property for any other purpose than for the campground operation."
Mr Hathaway said there was a provision of $10,000 in year two of the Long Term Plan budget to allow for the demolition and to clear the site.