A 15-year-old and a group of friends were at Groove in the Park at the Domain last weekend. One of the group was threatened with a baseball bat by his girlfriend's ex and, a bit freaked out, he went in search of the police tent. He found an officer and told him what went down. The response from the officer? "You are going to get beaten anyway. I suggest you go out there and take it."
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Roger and Vanessa Harper doubt the common sense of some council workers. "We live in Three Kings and on our designated rubbish/recyclable retrieval days the verge is littered with empty wheelie bins and recycle bins until people come home from work. It happens all over Auckland. Normal. What is not normal is the chap who mows the verges, who blindly carries on mowing, bumping the assorted bins on to the road, across driveways, up against parked cars, into the gutter. We retrieved one of our bins three driveways down the road where it had obviously been bunted like a dodgem in his blind quest for shorter grass."
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Barbara from Mission Bay generously shares her most embarrassing moment: "It was some years ago now, while attending the Kumeu A & P show. I was in a large crowd admiring the Highland dancers when the man in front of me hoisted his small son on to his shoulders for a better view. I tapped him on the shoulder as I could not see and he obligingly dropped his little boy down his back towards the ground. I was wearing a fashionable (at the time) sunfrock which had domed straps on the shoulders and huge pockets. The child managed to slide down his Dad's back and get a foot in each of my pockets, which took my sunfrock to the ground with them, leaving me in a tiny pair of knickers and nothing else. The child and I, and his father, all grappled furiously with my dress, they trying to get small feet from my pockets and me trying to reclothe, with the immediate crowd's attention completely off the dancers."
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What is chessboxing? A new sport/game hybrid which is a combination of the hardest thinking activity with the most demanding fighting sport that challenges its competitors mentally and physically. The two opponents play alternate rounds of chess and boxing.
Ricochet Clothing in High St is having a sale. Saving negligible (snapped by Peter Lescher).

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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