Juliet Douglas-Smith, from Titirangi, writes: "While rummaging through a video sale bin at The Warehouse New Lynn recently, I came across a video entitled Auckland City Rail. Being a user of our train 'service', I can only assume this video starts five minutes after you've pushed 'play', then periodically pauses for 10 to 15 minutes for no apparent reason, and ends up being at least half an hour longer than the 60 minutes stated playing time."
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Auckland City Councillor Glenda Fryer appears to be a little sensitive about the accusation that Auckland City has become an anti-fun zone under the new local body regime. In a recent email, she suggested that: "The City Vision/Labour Council are a very pro-fun and pro-ecotourism council, and I enclose two fun things to do. First, put a submission in to the Maungawhau Management Plan, and second, put a submission in to the Conservation Department to make our volcanoes a world heritage park."
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At first it seems quite sad to create a blog just to bitch about your flatmate, but after reading I realised their value in sharing the common experience and humour in recognising one's own domestic transgressions. Here are the best comments from the blog ...
1. Today's prize for the World's Stupidest Flatmate goes to you, for using an oven mitt to turn chicken fingers (in the process filthifying the mitt), instead of using the pair of tongs that were in the drawer!
2. Don't you hate it when ... your flatmate leaves open the drawer that contains all of your clean cutlery while she is cooking, meaning the drawer invariably catches all of the food scraps that fall off the bench?
3. I would wake in the middle of the night to find a deep draught flowing through our apartment, and later find out that the back door was wide freakkin' opened. It's like, "Hello rapists, welcome to our apartment." I mean, seriously. I can't stand irresponsible room-mates. And if you complain they'll start calling you anal-retentive or something.
4. When my flatmate and his girlfriend decide that it would be a great idea to cut and dye their hair in the bathroom ... tiny hairs all over the bathroom. Next they bleached their hair ... getting the bleach paste all over the sink. The worst part is when they rinsed it in the shower without washing the tub.
5. I used to walk around my flat turning off lights. After she failed to get the hint, I said to her, "What do you think this is, a lighthouse?"
6. Truth is, some people can live in filth, and some can't. You cannot change them. Get a new house.
7. It could be worse. You could be married to your flatmate ...
* After the success of our Not Neighbourly series, Sideswipe is keen to hear from readers who have had a Flatmates From Hell experience.