Dr Erik Monasterio, a New Zealand forensic psychiatrist, has published research suggesting that climbers face an 8.2 per cent chance of dying if they venture on to New Zealand's deadly mountains, which is more than double the figure British Bomber Command considered "acceptable attrition" among aircrew during wartime raids on Germany. This raises another statistical question: given that we have the highest road toll rate per head in the world, which of the following yields the highest "attrition" rate: working as an Iraqi policeman in Basra, or driving to the bach for the weekend?
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The Norwegian Government says that by 2007 the boards of directors of all companies must comprise at least 40 per cent women. Companies that do not meet the quota will be forcibly liquidated. Overall, just 11 per cent of board members in Norway are women; business leaders say the strict quotas may force them to add less qualified members to their boards. (Source: Reason.com)
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While driving back into Auckland on Anzac Day, Patrick Loxhay witnessed the most amazingly stupid driving he had ever seen. "On the Southern Motorway near Manukau City turn-off, a young women moved to the back seat of the car, slid over to the driver's side and swapped driving position with her male partner. This was performed at around 100km/h in the right-hand lane accompanied by erratic weaving."
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Gender stereotypical joke: a man said to his wife, "Let's try a new position tonight." She said, "Sure. You stand at the sink and do the dishes and I'll lie on the couch and watch television."
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Charity: the Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough visitors. If the number of visitors reaches a certain daily quota, corporate sponsors will donate one free mammogram a day to a woman who needs it. Why not make it the first thing you do in the morning? Log on to www.thebreastcancersite.com, click on "donating a mammogram for free" (pink window in the middle) and feel as if you're doing something worthy.
Saddle sores:If anyone knows this cyclist, last seen heading west on Great North Rd at the Pt Chevalier shops, please buy him new bike pants for his next birthday/Christmas.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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