A bunch of Nats, including Mt Roskill candidate Jackie Blue, became human hoardings at the intersection of Mt Albert Rd and Mt Eden Rd last week, madly waving their blue brands to the passing motorists. Aaron Bhatnagar, who is involved in the National Party's campaign, posted a glowing report about the response on his well-read blog and couldn't resist a dig at Labour's sitting MP for Mt Roskill, Phil Goff, suggesting his low profile in the electorate was perhaps taking his seat for granted. Mt Roskill Labour Party campaign manager Shale Chambers responded: "Mt Roskill is definitely Phil Goff territory, as you and your team will no doubt re-learn next Saturday. If more of your National Party team actually lived in the electorate you would know only too well what the Labour Party has been doing on the ground for some considerable period of time. We take nothing for granted. Of course, most Labour Party people actually have jobs, contributing to the NZ economy during the day, and cannot take part in juvenile day-time gimmicks like today's efforts on your part. See you on the hustings." An odd thing to say when Goff lives in Clevedon and Chambers lives in Mt Eden.
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Reader Hugh Mullane writes: "I read with interest the story in Sideswipe about the 1984 East Coast Bays Labour Candidate, Michael Smythe, who supposedly rescued Don Brash by changing Don's flat tyre ... Last Friday I attended the Designers Institute of New Zealand best design awards dinner at The Edge. The Prime Minister was there. I had the pleasure of sitting next to one of her security staff two tables back from where Helen was seated. It was with great concern that I saw a man approach our PM ... Concerned, I leaned toward the security chap and suggested he might want to keep a watchful eye on the man hovering over our leader. The guardian stiffened, eyes darting, microphoned cuff at the ready. 'Why do you think there's a problem?' he asked. I replied, 'The guy talking at her is Michael Smythe. He was the Labour Candidate for East Coast Bays in 1984 and he's dined out on that for the last 21 years. The PM is at serious risk of being bored to death.' Fortunately, the security detail had a sense of humour. Smythe no doubt told his story once again, the PM yawned and the awards dinner ran smoothly for another year."
A bold escape attempt at Mt Eden prison?

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