Do-gooding #1: David Hatchuel writes: "A colleague found a wallet, containing a number of photographs, and a few small coins. Judging by the contents and the number of photos, we are guessing that the wallet had been stolen, stripped of its valuable contents, and discarded. We'd like to reunite the photos with their owner ... "
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Do-gooding #2: The Child Development Foundation had its first charity fund-raising night at the Hyatt in February. One of the major prizes (a night at the swanky Treetops Lodge just outside Rotorua, with breakfast and dinner included, and a Series One BMW to hoon around in) was sold for $3000. Unfortunately, details of the purchaser were lost on the night. The organisers have rattled the cage long and hard to find the reneger, without success. The money is desperately needed and the foundation is wondering if there's any individual or business who's willing to make a tax-deductible donation for the prize? In return you'll get a public thank-you in Sideswipe and your wheels for the trip will be upgraded to a BMW Z4 roadster, courtesy of McMillan BMW. Make a bid by emailing Sideswipe by 3pm tomorrow. The highest bid wins. The foundation is a charitable trust helping children develop personal and social skills and overcome adversity. Check out the prize at the Treetops website (see link below).
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According to a February Cox News Service dispatch from Mexico City, the Government nearly killed its export market for the fabled mezcal, a liquor similar to tequila that is traditionally sold with a worm floating in the bottle. Bureaucrats proposed to ban the worm because of its high fat content, even though as much as 70 per cent of mezcal sales are based on the worm's alleged sexual or hallucinatory powers, but changed their minds. (Source: News of the Weird)
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As the flock from the Birkenhead ferry moved up Queen St this week, a proud father was overheard to say, "He's only 18 months and I don't want to rush things, but by the time he's 5 we're going to have quite an art collection."
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A reader rang Rideline on Monday and asked for a bus timetable. He was told the Stagecoach bus drivers were on strike and commented that as a consequence it must be really busy on the roads. The operator kindly explained that that wasn't the case at all because there were no buses on the roads.
One of the pictures found in the lost wallet.

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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