A reader writes: "A notice to motorists about the new economy service offered by some petrol stations, which involves the attendant only removing the petrol cap from the tank and nothing else. I realise good service at petrol stations is a rarity these days, so I was quite pleased when a nice attendant came up to me yesterday and offered 'to take care of that' for me as I was waiting for my tank to fill. I then went inside, waited for him to finish, paid, and drove off to work. It wasn't until I was queuing on the congested Ellerslie onramp, that a bloke in a truck pointed out to me that my petrol lid was still open and the cap still on the back of my car. To whoever you were, thank you, you made my day, and saved me from a lot of unnecessary troubles."
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According to a report in the Israeli daily Ma'ariv, Itzik Simkowitz is suing a pet shop owner in Beersheeba for selling him a sickly cockatoo (for the equivalent of about $2743) that died shortly after Mr Simkowitz got him home. As in a classic Monty Python sketch, the shop owner initially insisted that the parrot was merely lethargic and needed time to adjust to his new surroundings, and when the parrot was shown to be "a late parrot", "an ex-parrot", "a stiff", and to have "joined the choir invisible", the shop owner still refused to return the money. (Source: News of the Weird)
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Just one person turned out to welcome Prince Edward on a royal visit to Newport, south Wales. Carol Bader, 48, wearing a Union flag T-shirt said: "I suppose the lack of turnout shows the royals are not as popular as they used to be, but I still love them." She added: "My mother followed the royals and I was brought up with it. I just love all the pomp and ceremony. I remember when the streets would have been packed with people trying to catch a glimpse of royalty. He was very charming and came over to chat to me. I'd brought him a single flower rather than a bouquet because I thought it was more manly." (Source: Ananova.com)
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Lost pen pal: A reader writes: "A friend of mine is coming to NZ for a holiday in May/June and would like to get in touch with her penpal. They lost touch when her penpal moved from Nelson. Her name is Diana Wratt, wife of John and mother of Christopher. My friend's name is Lynn Chong and she arrives Auckland on May 27 and leaves for home (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on June 10." Contact Sideswipe for further information.
The Sumo Tube is an inflatable bodysuit that can be towed passively (a la waterski), or worn for bodysurfing. You will be having so much fun, you’ll forget all about the fact that you look ridiculous. (Source: Boingboing.net).

Opinion by Ana SamwaysLearn more
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