“It’s sad that the otherwise beautiful Tauranga-Moana has some people who feel threatened in this way.”
Three signs were defaced within 24 hours of being erected in Tauranga.
Waititi said most of the 10 defaced signs were targeted with the same spray paint and the word “Raciest” [sic].
“Just last night two boards had the word ‘Māori’ cut out. This isn’t an isolated incident, it is targeted and we believe it is the same two or three people.”
Waititi said he felt most for the volunteers who were out there “at the break of dawn” cleaning the spray paint off and making repairs.
“I am hugely thankful for their support and their unwavering commitment to our movement.”
He said the vandalism was “disappointing” but was “unfortunately to be expected when challenging the status quo and working towards a truly Tiriti-centric Aotearoa Hou”.
“It’s sad that some people feel threatened by our party’s role in upholding our nation’s founding document. These are the same people who are interested in continuing colonial violence against tangata whenua and tangata tiriti.
“Unfortunately, it tells us we’re on the right track. It tells tangata whenua and tangata tiriti that they’re on the right track.
“It doesn’t deter us from the ultimate goal of an Aotearoa Hou [new], that sees mana motuhake [self-government] for Māori and the true intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi come to the fore.
“We’re a party of manaaki [care] and aroha [love] for everyone, just like you’re treated on a marae.”
Megan Wilson is a health and general news reporter for the Bay of Plenty Times and Rotorua Daily Post. She has been a journalist since 2021.