The introduction of Novopay has been difficult. I can't dispute that. There have been too many errors. But despite all of the difficulties, I am convinced the introduction of Novopay was a good decision and will achieve real benefits.
As a teacher of 37 years' experience, I guess you could say I'm an outsider working on the inside of this project. That's why I and other teachers and education groups were invited on to the reference group. The ministry wanted the views of professionals who know the pressures on schools and who could give a straight-forward opinion, however uncomfortable.
I know there are lots of people working hard to try to ensure the system works as effectively and as efficiently as possible. I know, because I work with them every day. They are all determined to make this system work and, actually, it is working for the vast majority of school staff. Around 90,000 are getting paid every fortnight.
But of course some are not being paid or are being under-paid and that is not good enough. As a deputy principal, I would not tolerate that and I would not expect other schools or individuals to.
But I think it's important we take a balanced view. Overall, the system is working. The number of people who have been over or under-paid each fortnight has dramatically reduced. But there are still too many errors. And that is damaging the system's credibility.