Latest fromEducation

Teacher deregistered over messages
A teacher who sent a 16-year-old student suggestive messages on social media, despite the student's attempts to stop him, has been deregistered.

Must-have ball accessory: lots of cash
Ball season has arrived - and so have the costs, which can approach $2000 once the dress, shoes, spray tan, hair, makeup, nails and tickets have been paid for.

Teen players caught stealing in Japan
Rugby players from a top school have been caught shoplifting at a world championship in Japan.

School spends up large
A school already in financial strife spent almost half a million dollars on company shares - to get the milk from its dilapidated school farm collected.

Flags raised over school spending
Suspect spending by schools has been uncovered - including one that gave thousands of dollars in gift vouchers to staff, bought from a company owned by the principal.

Writing on the web for old-school text books
Students' needs increasingly met online but printed books still seen as key

Top principal denies assault
A top principal has pleaded not guilty to assaulting his ex-wife in a private prosecution she has launched against him.

$580m of student debt burned
An activist in Chile has burnt documents representing NZ$580 million worth of student debt during a protest at Universidad del Mar.

'Feral' scarfie party shut down
A ''feral'' student party in Stafford St in Dunedin yesterday was shut down by police, amid concerns for the safety of intoxicated people climbing on the outside of a three-storey flat.

Reduce dissections in uni, petition says
Calls are being made to remove dissections from first-year courses as the killing of animals at universities comes under fresh scrutiny.

$10b for schools, but critics not happy
Spending on early childhood education and schools is to top $10 billion a year - but is not enough to avoid parents paying more for pre-school, an industry body claims.

Budget 2014: Tertiary fees slashed
Government will slash tertiary tuition fees for science, agriculture, and some health science courses, Budget 2014 shows.

Budget 2014: Live video stream
Join us for a live video stream from Parliament as Finance Minister Bill English delivers the 2014 Budget from 2pm.

Top principal faces assault charge
A top principal will face court before starting a new job at a prestigious English school, after his ex-wife launched a private prosecution against him.

Paul Little: Students viewed unequally
Researcher Hana Turner's reports of racist attitudes among her fellow teachers show prejudice is as deeply woven into our school system as ever.

Consumer Watch: Rubber soles can harm feet
Black leather shoes mandatory at many New Zealand schools in winter are causing harm to children's feet, say podiatrists.

Rose has 10 reasons to put her feet up
Rose Toki should be getting a few cups of tea in bed tomorrow - the mum-of-10's brave step into adult education will be felt by her family for generations to come.

$357m raised for 'free' schooling
Parents are raising more than $357 million a year in donations and fundraising to support the "free" schooling system.

School shops for Fly Buys rewards
An Auckland school has started a simple but unique fundraising plan it hopes will bring in tens of thousands of dollars to help provide classroom equipment.

Asbestos fears close school
It's hoped asbestos-contaminated demolition material that kept an Auckland primary school closed today will be cleared by Monday.

Millions in funding for new CoREs of learning
The Tertiary Education Commission has today revealed the six Centres of Research Excellence (CoRES) which will get access to millions of dollars in funding.

Asbestos scare shuts primary school
The board of trustees has decided to shut an Auckland primary school because it's concerned about the risk of asbestos dust from a nearby building site.