Labour donations policy misses target
Editorial: The Labour Party has always struggled with the concept of "voluntary" school donations.
Editorial: The Labour Party has always struggled with the concept of "voluntary" school donations.
Teen mum Nganoo Joseph hopes to graduate with a level 4 certificate in travel and tourism this year - and credits an All Black's sister with steering her to success.
A parent has taken concerns about religious teaching to the Human Rights Commission in the latest effort to remove the lessons from state school time.
Labour's plan to help struggling parents by tackling school donations is a political ploy- but at least it recognises the 'voluntary' nonsense, one principal says.
Community Spirit category: When high school teacher Roshni Gounder came down with a sudden illness, many people expected her to give up her job.
Labour wants to end "voluntary" school donations by offering a grants of $100 per student to schools that stop asking parents to fund "day to day" spending.
It's always great to see someone standing up to a bully. That Hastings schoolboy Lucan Battison also won the confrontation with his St John's College principal is the icing on the cake.
Principals should not be too worried about the impact of the High Court's decision overturning Lucan Battison's suspension for refusing to cut his hair.
New Zealand universities could see a surge in the number of students crossing the Tasman if a new funding system gets the go-ahead in Australia.
Ghetto kid turned presidential hopeful Ben Carson is in New Zealand to help celebrate as the Duffy Books in Homes scheme turns 20.
Act wants to give all state schools the option of becoming charter schools, Act leader Jamie Whyte said today.
NZ schools are facing hefty legal bills to ensure their rules on students' appearances are legally watertight.
Editorial: Justice Collins made it clear that his judgment related only to this case. It did not rule on the lawfulness of schools' rules that attempt to regulate a student's hair.
New roles will be created, one of which, the expert teacher, will be a position where the teacher is exported to other local schools for two days a week, writes Verity Johnson.
Having grown up in Christchurch and attended a largely Pakeha high school, Leonie Wethey finds she learns as much from the predominantly Pasifika students at Tamaki College as they learn from her.
Monthly grooming inspections for boys and a ban on untied hair for girls - some Auckland schools have strict rules on students' locks.
The boy who allegedly stabbed his 11-year-old schoolmate in the head had been bullied at school for over a year and may have "just snapped", sources say.
Unitec says it never applied for its Mt Albert land to be fast-track high-density housing but an Auckland councillor says it not only applied but was rejected.
School-leavers would be issued with a certificate detailing their tardiness, attendance and attitude under a scheme called for by employers.
Schools are increasingly putting students under closed-circuit television surveillance to cut bullying.
"It's not our core business to be a park. We're an education provider," says Unitec chief executive.
With NZ's education system dropping in world rankings, is our curriculum keeping pace with a rapidly-changing world and do enough children have full access to new technology?
A married maths teacher was discovered under the bed of a pupil he was having sex with by her mother, a court has heard.
Serious health and safety issues including drug use and bullying plagued one of New Zealand's first charter schools as its management became dysfunctional.
I reckon that single-sex schools and healthy cereal are the same phenomenon, writes Verity Johnson.
Seeing her MP father's commitment and passion to help his Tongan people has inspired one young woman to overcome tragedy and follow his footsteps into politics.
A new $100 million tertiary campus opens in Manukau today - with backers hoping it will not just transform the central business district but also the area's study rates.
Health services at more than one in 10 New Zealand schools have been found to consist of little more than the offer of a sticking plaster.