Latest fromEducation

Teacher's life-changing aid
A class set of laptops has proved life-changing for a young Aucklander who believes he is NZ's only wheelchair-using teacher with cerebral palsy.

NZ slips in world maths rankings
Class disruptions and a lack of exposure to algebra and geometry are just some issues being linked to NZ slipping from 13th to 22nd in OECD maths ratings.

Mike Hosking: Don't judge a school by its number
Mike Hosking writes: One of the things you get used to very quickly when you grow up in Christchurch is that people believe the role of the school in your life defines who you are.

Study regime takes edge off exam jitters
Georgia Webber had "butterflies" in her stomach when she turned up for her first NCEA exam this week.

Schools' anxious wait for ratings
The Ministry of Education has begun informing schools of their new decile ratings and at least one Auckland school will need to rely more on parent fundraising as a result.

Teacher censured over relationship with teen
A teenage girl started self-harming and needed counselling after having an intimate relationship with a disgraced teacher.

Top tips for acing NCEA exams
Exam time is here for thousands of students across the country. Before the summer fun starts, now is the time do get that last minute revision done.

400 pupils may lose qualifications
More than 400 performing arts students at Taranaki’s Western Institute of Technology face being stripped of their qualifications, caught up in a funding probe.

Principal calls for fairer funding
The school funding system should be reviewed after enrolment figures showed a growing divide between rich and poor, a leading principal says.

Bun of contention
Call it the happy-ever-after meal. About 28 weeks ago, St Dominic's Catholic Primary School principal Daniel Pepper put a McDonald's cheeseburger on display, and he says it hasn't changed since.

Russell Wills and Phil O'Reilly: Help families and we all win
The Prime Minister recently made two announcements which appear worlds away but are intrinsically linked: making child poverty his priority this term, and attracting skilled people to New Zealand to enable continued economic growth.

Peter Lyons: Teaching needs more than Govt Band Aid
Peter Lyons writes: Politicians work in three-year time horizons but meaningful change, especially in education, is unlikely to reap benefits within an electoral cycle.

Patrick Walsh: Poverty fault line in NZ schools creating ethnic divide
Herald interactive on school deciles confirmation of growing socio-economic divide in this country and that "poverty" is a real rather than imagined issue.

It's that dreaded time of year again...
Thousands of students across the country will sit their first NCEA exam this morning.

White flight from schools: Parents give their reaction
Parents tell their views on school choice after we reveal the number of Pakeha children in schools in poorer communities has halved since mid-1990s.

Winners, losers in new deciles
Some schools are braced for funding cuts in the tens of thousands of dollars as the wealth of their families is re-assessed.

College prank gets teachers
Picturesque grounds, prime Greytown location, and 500 students - and it can all be yours, according to a fancy real estate sign.

Steve Maharey: Uni shake-up can halt NZ's ranking slide
There are about 17,600 universities in the world, with new ones added every year.

Decision a 'win for women'
Teachers entitled to 24 months' maternity leave can take another two years off if they fall pregnant again while on leave, in a decision called a "win for women".

Computer study given $870,000
Two University of Canterbury researchers have received $870,000 in Marsden funding over three years to research how engineering and psychology could combine to make wearable computer systems easier....

'Serpent' to help out in a disaster
An engineering student has designed and built a remote-control robotic snake which he hopes can be used for search and rescue missions.

Gym safety put under spotlight
A horror accident at a North Shore gymnasium which left a school student a quadriplegic came just months after a similar incident in which another teen broke his neck.

Kiwi leotards make it to Kenya
Thirteen thousand kilometres from Rotorua, orphans in Kenya are plieing in leotards from the Geyser City.

Junior rugby's big problem
There was nothing illegal about the tackle that left 12-year-old Zachary Hullah in hospital and scared he might be paralysed. It was that the tackler who smashed him was twice his size.

Rugby mum's safety crusade
Flimsy rules and poor enforcement around size mismatches are putting children in harm's way on the rugby field, says a Masterton mother.

Phew! 13 exams ahead
Catherine Zheng needs to plan her study time more than most, as exams start for her and thousands of other students.