Ex-principal canes slack teachers
Some teachers need to get over their victim mentality and recognise the benefit of cutting their holiday time, a leading principal says.
Some teachers need to get over their victim mentality and recognise the benefit of cutting their holiday time, a leading principal says.
With so many gadgets and gizmos available these days, seeing a child getting excited over a book can be pretty extraordinary.
Like other students at Koru School in Mangere, Tyler Adams has his own burgeoning library at home.
There are growing concerns schoolboy rugby is a fertile environment for drug taking to become rife.
Scores of pupils will be frozen out of some of Auckland's top primary schools after a zone revamp.
Students are borrowing more than ever as tertiary fees rise - and those who head overseas after study are likely to take much longer to repay their loan.
The partner of a retired teacher at the centre of child abuse allegations at a Tasmanian school in the 1960s has defended him today.
A former teacher living in New Zealand has denied a child abuse claim made at an Australian inquiry.
Even the most silver-tongued estate agent would struggle to wax lyrical over 5 Dongluoquan Hutong.
Learning another tongue should be compulsory in New Zealand schools if languages are to stop being the "poor cousin" within the education system, an academic says.
Evolve Education Group made a solid sharemarket debut yesterday, with its shares closing at an 8 per cent premium to the $1 offer price.
A teacher says she is shocked to hear there are more than 5000 unauthorised teachers working across the country, and has questioned the capabilities of the Teachers Council.
Just over five thousand teachers working in NZ are unauthorised to do so, while another 400 don't appear on any Teachers' Council records at all.
Our nation's children will never be better at mathematics than the ministry's curriculum material allows them to be, writes Gus Hubbard.
A principal who formed a sexual relationship with a teacher and threatened her if she told anyone he'd made her pregnant has been found guilty of serious misconduct.
He's 28 and a former mechanic - but had to go to jail to learn that it's useful to save some of your money.
A researcher's tireless efforts to ensure every Kiwi can have a safe, warm and dry home has been rewarded with the country's largest prize for science.
It is easy to become jaded and cynical after years in the classroom, writes Peter Lyons. It takes a student like Hiroshi to cause you to remember and appreciate why you got into teaching.
Fetaui Iosefo didn't exactly have it easy before suffering a brain-scrambling head injury in a car crash last year, while working towards a masters of education degree.
Government early childhood education (ECE) funding and parent fees intended for children's education will pay for the dividend yields of 4.69 per cent and $16.6 million profit forecasted by Evolve....
Regular attendance at kava clubs can help keep young Tongan men away from drugs, alcohol and gangs, a study has found.
Mass killer Stephen Anderson who in 1997 gunned down 10 people, killing six of them, including his 60-year-old father is no longer tutoring at an art school.
Destiny Church's failed attempt to set up a charter school was blocked in part because of fears about students being pressured into joining the church.
Physical abuse is easily defined. But not emotional abuse. Schools should teach how to recognise and deal with such behaviour in a relationship.
An Auckland primary school has been closed by the Ministry of Health after a number of pupils and staff came down with a vomiting bug.
Two early childhood teachers admitted to mistreating young children.
Norah Barlow reckons early childhood education has the potential to become just as big a sharemarket success as the aged-care sector she's more commonly associated with.