Schools lawyer up
Furious parents are threatening principals with legal injunctions if their kids are overlooked for sports teams and school musicals.
Furious parents are threatening principals with legal injunctions if their kids are overlooked for sports teams and school musicals.
The kura at the centre of a controversy involving a student being slapped is facing closure.
Schools are digging into their teaching budgets - in some cases relying on donations from principals and teachers - to feed children who turn up hungry.
When you're 15, standing up to school is standing up to the biggest power you know, writes Verity Johnson.
Maths teacher Simon Toon was found guilty of an indecent act in a classroom, but had fought to keep his name out of the media.
Everyone wants to live in a neighbourhood with good schools. The publication of decile rankings is often seen as an opportunity to find out where the good schools are. But does the decile system really have anything to do with quality?
In over-reacting to a classroom speech, the school surrendered the high ground and provided ammunition for those eager to support the 15-year-old's claims.
Two investigations are being carried out as to how an email revealing alleged family violence was accidentally sent to students.
In a move that has fired up parents, teachers in the UK have won the right to inspect pupils’ lunchboxes and confiscate unhealthy snacks.
The principal at Napier Girls' High School has met with Anela Pritchard and her family and says that the issue has been resolved.
So following on from puffer jackets a few weeks ago, the big education story of the moment is a student who may or may not have been stood down for posting a speech critical of her teachers on Facebook.
A 15-year-old girl was stood down from school after making a speech which claimed her teachers needed to work harder, rather than "sit around and do nothing."
Senior academics at the University of Otago have called for a free contraceptive programme to be made available to teens before they become sexually active.
An Auckland school principal who slapped a pupil across the face has failed in a bid to keep his name secret.
Students at a leaky primary school will spend the winter in mouldy classrooms after officials failed to organise plans for temporary buildings in time.
Schools and childcare centres are short of teachers because of a new law requiring police vetting for workers responsible for children.
Schools say they have been waiting up to three years for plans to be signed off as Nikki Kaye reassures major redevelopments are in the pipeline.
A leaky Auckland primary school says it was told nine months ago its 33-classroom rebuild plan would go to the Cabinet — but it is still waiting.
Vicki Carpenter asks what the boards of two dilapidated schools have been doing about basic maintenance.
A 4-year-old's mouth was taped with cellotape by child-care staff, and he was threatened with a bigger piece of tape if he kept putting toys in his mouth.
At least half of children aren't getting all the help they need to make the "critical" move to school, a government study has found.
Lincoln University in Canterbury is known for its stubby-wearing students and land-based prospectus. For the first time in the university's history, females outnumber males.
Each year a handful of our high school students gain entry to some of the world’s top universities. It’s an exclusive, mysterious process - but should it be?
Editorial: Children coming into Auckland primary schools are carrying an undiscovered treasure - the ability to speak more than one language.
A university has been accused of buying influence after giving an honorary doctorate to the Chinese President's wife.
Some long-time neighbours of an Auckland after-school programme have expressed their sadness red tape has put an end to outdoor play.
Old boys of troubled Auckland Catholic co-ed boarding school Hato Petera have lodged a Treaty of Waitangi claim on the property and surrounding land.
Pupils at Howick College conducted a survey last year as part of a student-led initiative called The Big Stand, which aims to address bullying, violence and peer pressure.