Sanctuary visit dream come true for kids
The Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc is working to give as many kids as possible the chance to learn about animals in their natural habitats
The Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc is working to give as many kids as possible the chance to learn about animals in their natural habitats
It's a big step in a small person's life - going to school. For some it's traumatic, for others just overwhelmingly exciting.
Motivating young people is the name of the game for a charity whose work aims to encourage children to be the best they can be.
Hekia Parata is proposing to terminate one of the country's first charter schools due to poor poor teaching, low achievement and an inadequate curriculum.
INTERACTIVE: New data shows some schools are overflowing while others sit half empty.
A former teacher from Auckland's St Kentigern's College has been suspended after she was caught at school with a bottle of vodka, and swore at a junior colleague.
Outdoor speakers connected to Finlayson Park School's fire network had been taken, and their removal put the emergency alarm system in jeopardy.
A report from the American Academy of Paediatrics suggests the amount of time children watch television and movies and playing on handheld devices is increasing.
A high-tech yarn with the potential to stop bullets is being developed by 23-year-old Yasir Al-Hilali from Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
School students will be able to download Microsoft Office software for free, under a new deal between the software giant and the Ministry of Education.
School students will be able to get NCEA credits by obtaining a driver licence - and will even pick-up credits for passing a learner's theory test.
International students are being duped by unregulated education agents overseas to study in the regions to gain bonus points for residency.
A legal victory against a fast-track teaching programme will be reviewed, Prime Minister John Key says.
Troubled Auckland Maori school Hato Petera has released an upbeat statement about its future, announcing its boarding facilities will be open for the start of the school year next year.
People hold strong views on the topics of immigration, inequality and religion - turns out the facts behind the views are mostly all wrong.
Search and rescue volunteers say they completed a five-month taxpayer-funded training course at a polytechnic in one week.
Taxpayers have already handed over millions of dollars to institutions which failed to deliver the education they promised.
Six years after a Government scheme was launched to fill workforce shortages, industry representatives have their doubts.
Viral video which appeared to show teenagers taunting a fellow student in a wheelchair doesn't show full story, says James Cook High School head Vaughan Couillault.
Fourth-year Otago medical student Terry Reilly said even an eight-year cap on student loans was "not very helpful".
Immigration advisers in India may "flirt with the law" if New Zealand authorities keep working with unregulated education agents.
Drones have a measure of infamy because of their military use - but an AUT senior lecturer and her postgraduate students are leading the world in drone-based environmental research.
Surgical implants can be life-changing. Millions of people across the globe have had their mobility restored due to hip or knee replacements, for example; their quality of life restored by a single operation.
New Zealand's monolingualism could inhibit our chances of becoming a more globally responsive nation, according to AUT's Associate Professor Sharon Harvey.
A charter school set up to lift success needed government mediation after whanau complained the school didn't have the cultural expertise required to teach their children.
The Government has dropped a strong hint that it is set to announce changes to give more medical students access to student loans in their final years of study.
Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce has defended the student loans scheme amid claims billions of dollars of debt was causing several knock-on financial effects.
In 1995, a year after my return to New Zealand to take up the Vice-Chancellorship of Waikato University, I was invited to lead a delegation to visit universities in China - the first such invitation....
The Supreme Court will decide whether or not parts of the Ministry of Education's lawsuit against Carter Holt Harvey can proceed.
Epsom Girls' Grammar School have appointed a new principal, joining a number of Auckland schools that have made the same change this year.