Latest fromEducation

Jake Bailey on his cancer fight
New Zealand|education

Jake Bailey on his cancer fight

Jake Bailey has vowed to use his experiences in beating cancer to help other young people. The Christchurch Boys High School senior monitor whose heart-wrenching speech to his peers after he was diagnosed with cancer went global has spoken publicly today for the first time.

Moody's gives NZ big tick

Moody's gives NZ big tick

Moody's Investors Service is comfortable with its Aaa credit rating on New Zealand with a stable outlook, as it anticipates the impact from lower commodity prices will be offset by strength in areas of the economy such as tourism and education services.

Pupil makes passion for maths count
New Zealand|education

Pupil makes passion for maths count

Like many kids, George Han once dreamed of being a fireman. But he dropped the idea when he discovered a new passion — mathematics. Now, his passion has seen him win one of nine Premier Awards in the 2015 scholarship exams. The awards are given to the very best scholarship candidates.