Hadlow School in Masterton today turns its gaze to the future for a teacher-only day and a parents' meeting with leading education consultant Mark Treadwell.
Mr Treadwell had written "more than a million words" about changing practices in learning and had over the past five years presented more than 300 sessions on the paradigm shift to national and international audiences.
Hadlow principal Michael Mercer said the teacher-only day today and parents' meeting at the school from 6pm are part of a move to futureproof learning at the school and an example of Wairarapa schools leading the Ministry of Education's call "to prepare our children for the 21st century".
He said in the school bulletin the young today are daily put in touch with global issues and are faced with greater access to travel, values, attitudes, and cultural diversity than their parents.
"The world we live in, in the 21st century is quite a different place from the one that parents grew up in as students at school. Our young people today are exposed to a raft of information and communication tools via the internet as well as changes in the social structures around home and parenting.'