Team NZ is pressing the Auckland Council for a decision of the location of the America's Cup defence by next week. The syndicate is said to favour an extension to Halsey Wharf beyond the Viaduct Events Centre but opponents of further reclamation of the harbour say it would be the wrong option, and they have a point.
Because the short Halsey Wharf lies between the much longer Wynyard and Princes wharves an extension might not look unduly intrusive on paper, but stand on the end of Princes or Wynyard wharves - or look down when crossing the Harbour Bridge - and it is immediately obvious how this proposal would change the western waterfront.
Extending Halsey Wharf by 220m would make it about as long as Wynyard and Princes, and building a breakwater most of the way to Princes Wharf, as proposed, would enclose most of the basin between Wynyard and Princes. Visually, the end of all the wharves would be the new waterfront.
That would mean not only the loss of 3ha of water space but the loss of Wynyard Pt where once the city imagined erecting a structure as iconic as the Sydney Opera House which stands on a similar harbour promontory.
The idea of establishing something more stunning than storage tanks on the Wynyard reclamation should not abandoned. In fact it could be a legacy of this second America's Cup tenure if space can be found on that reclamation for some of the syndicates that may attend.