Unless you took a moment yesterday to fill out your local body ballot papers and put the envelope in the mail, your vote will probably not arrive in time to be counted on Saturday. You can be in the count if you drop the envelope into a ballot box at a municipal library, and if you have not received ballot papers it is still possible to register for a special vote at elections.org.nz but you could have saved yourself the trouble.
Postal voting still seems the most satisfactory system for local elections when convenience for the voter is weighed against the integrity of the vote. Online voting may be more convenient but electoral authorities need to be satisfied it is reliable.
Unless there has been a last-minute flurry larger than usual, Auckland is likely to record a 40 percent turn-out this time, better than the 35.5 percent three years ago but well down on the Super City's first election in 2010. Postal voting will be blamed, especially if participation is very low among the young. It is said they change their address more frequently, spend more of their lives online and may be less inclined to go out of their way to find a post box.
The complexity of the ballot will be blamed too if the turnout is disappointing. Besides being invited to vote for a mayor, Aucklanders have ward councillors and local board members to choose. Finally, they are presented with a district health board election that invites them to number all candidates, if they wish, in order of preference.
It sounds more complex than it really is. The procedures are set out clearly on the ballot paper and anyone capable of casting a thoughtful vote can understand them.