Messages of love and support in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings. File photo / Mike Scott
Messages of love and support in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings. File photo / Mike Scott
Gunfire. Shouts. Horrific screams. The sounds will never leave those who were in the suburbs of Riccarton and Linwood a year ago today. Nor for those who heard them through the media.
Within the Arabic context, the number seven is a metaphor for infinity or completion. In Islam, sevenis directly linked to the power of the divine. There are at least seven distinct attributes infinitely connected to people of this time following the atrocity of March 15, 2019.
Heroism: Over the past week, we have revisited the actions of those in Christchurch and found, if anything, more reason to be awestruck with the way lives were saved and further harm was prevented.
Compassion: The outpourings of sympathy and care in the days following March 15 were unprecedented. New Zealanders discovered, in themselves, a strong heart and desire to put their arms around those traumatised.
Consciousness: Godzone awakened from the slumber of the old, laconic "she'll be right" to acknowledge some sectors of social media, in particular, were not right at all. The Christchurch Call in Paris sought to confront this head-on for the first time.
Forgiveness: Islam teaches forgiveness, and survivors, almost to a person, uttered the word. We may still find it difficult, nonetheless now we know it allows us to accept peace over perpetuating violence and leads to empowerment.
Strength: Fuelled by forgiveness, we can be emboldened to ensure justice, not vengeance, prevails for the crimes committed this time a year ago. Tackling gun law has also drawn on a resolve as never before.
Stoicism: New Zealanders have prided ourselves on this for generations. This historic day fortified the unflinching face, and added a "talk to the hand" reply to those who might continue to spout hate, even on the so-called harmless fringes.
Unity: As Simon Wilson put it, in his review this weekend of who we are now: "Maha tātou, kotahi mātou. We are many and we are one." This generation is now one, the one which heard the shots, the shouts, the heartrending screams.
Let our "ripple effect" be the seven values we found in ourselves following March 15, 2019.
Ishaan Pathan, 9, with Samina Ambakhhutwala during a vigil at Te Papaiouru Marae in Rotorua the day after the Christchurch mosque shootings. File photo / Ben Fraser