One of the biggest changes to hit farming in Canterbury in a generation is about to occur following Environment Canterbury's decisions on the Land & Water Regional Plan (LWRP).
The LWRP puts in place nutrient management rules that effectively halt land use change or intensification may result in increases in nitrate losses over large areas of Canterbury.
While the LWRP rules apply across the region, local solutions can be developed through sub-regional (catchment) plans developed through the zone committees. However, these sub-regional plans are still subject to the basic tenets of water quality management, including the need to maintain or improve overall water quality, and to set and adhere to limits for water abstraction and discharges. It is unclear whether the region-wide water quality standards can be replaced with local catchment ones. The plan is set to become operative later in the year, subject to any appeals on questions of law.
Federated Farmers has a number of concerns and we are considering whether any of these hold sufficient legal basis for an appeal to the High Court.
Concerns range from uncertainty as to how individual rules will be interpreted _ for example, the method for calculating nitrogen baselines and any increase to those baselines, to more considerable concerns about the impact of the provisions on the flexibility and viability of farming operations, including those at the lowest end of nitrogen loss.