Masterton police are investigating a spate of flat car tyres in the area which they say are likely to have been caused by someone purposely dropping Z nails on roads.
Billie-Jean Te Tau, who works at Dan's Auto Shop, was organising a repair of a client's tyre through Beaurepaires, when it was discovered it was caused by a Z nail, a type of two-spike nail used for securing floor joists.
Miss Te Tau, from Masterton, had received a puncture from a Z nail herself, and, when she contacted various tyre repair businesses around Masterton, she found that in the last couple of weeks there had been about 27 punctures involving Z nails.
Firestone had dealt with about 10 punctures from the nails, Beaurepaires a dozen and Goodyear about five, she said.
"I am very concerned because it's dangerous...if someone doesn't realise they have a puncture and they do a manoeuvre the car can't handle they could hurt themselves, or someone else.