- Shivan Ramkissoon had a seizure while driving on Auckland’s Northwestern Motorway at rush hour, causing his car to veer across lanes.
- Jeff Benjamin, a stranger, jumped through the window to pull the handbrake and stop the car.
- Ramkissoon wants to meet Benjamin to thank him for saving his life.
The man who had a seizure while driving on an Auckland motorway says he wants to meet the man who put his life on the line, bravely chasing the runaway car in front of rush hour traffic and jumping through the driver’s window to stop the vehicle.
Motorist Shivan Ramkissoon said he was “lucky to be alive” after suffering a medical incident behind the wheel, causing his small hatchback to veer out of control across all four lanes of Auckland’s Northwestern Motorway on Tuesday morning.
In a stunning coincidence, the episode happened in front of his workmates, who were following in a separate vehicle.
A video that captured the chase showed two men in hi-vis gear running down the motorway after the car and a man’s legs dangling out the driver’s window. Social media users praised the men as “heroes”.