Elderly motorist Tony McKelvey wiped tears from her eyes as she listened to how her victim Michael "Paddy" Janes' family had been coping since he was killed.
Remorse was evident as 78-year-old McKelvey sat in a chair beside the dock in Masterton District Court before Judge Bruce Davidson for sentencing on a charge of careless driving causing the death of Mr Janes.
The frail Riversdale woman was visibly upset as she was supported by a family member throughout her court appearance in which she constantly looked at her hands clasped in front of her and wiped away tears with a handkerchief.
Defence lawyer Louise Elder said her client, who had no previous convictions or driving offences, was struggling to understand what happened that fateful day on July 20 last year about noon when she crossed the centre line in her car, slamming into 77-year-old retiree Mr Janes' BMW 650 motorcycle. He died at the scene of the accident on Riversdale Rd.
"She's driven that road thousands and thousands of times ... how she ended up in the other lane is a mystery to her but she did and sadly caused the accident that caused the death of Mr Janes."