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Doctor accused of trying to murder partner, also questioned about first husband's death

Sam Sherwood
Senior Journalist, Crime, NZ Herald·NZ Herald·
27 mins to read

Shelagh Dawson was accused of trying to poison her partner when she took her own life. Detectives were also asking how the doctor’s seemingly healthy husband had died of a “medical misadventure” eight years earlier. With never seen before interview transcripts and a remarkable police summary report, crime reporter Sam Sherwood investigates.

Stephen Lewis was lying in his hospital bed with an IV line in his left side and a catheter when he felt a tug on his luer.


The hospital admission

The syringe

‘This is your time to tell the truth’

The tranquiliser

The husband

The post-mortem

‘Are you charging me with something’

‘Poisoning for dummies’

The inconsistencies

‘As close to being dead as you can get’
