There's plenty of evidence out there that connecting people to nature improves physical and mental wellbeing.
Studies have shown that walking in natural environments, rather than urban jungles, can reduce stress, anxiety and blood pressure.
Connecting with nature is particularly important for children.
We also know that tourists come to New Zealand for our biodiversity and landscapes, and that New Zealand's economy is based on its natural capital.
So biodiversity in Auckland is not a "nice to have" – it's essential.
If you're like me, biodiversity has its own intrinsic worth – it's not just useful to humans.
We have lost so much already in Auckland: many of our ecosystems are endangered, as well as our species.
Why shouldn't Aucklanders be able to connect with species and ecosystems unique to New Zealand?
Do we all need to visit National Parks in the South Island?
Instead of giving the litany of grave statistics of declining species and ecosystems, let's focus on the things we still have in Auckland and need to protect.
Auckland has vestiges of amazing threatened ecosystems and species.
However, they need our protection.
There is no middle ground here – we need a Targeted Environmental Rate that cannot be diverted to other projects, and we need to have a targeted rate that actually delivers for our threatened habitats and species.
When weeds outnumber native plants by 5:1 and two thirds of our shorebirds and seabirds are at risk of extinction, a feeble targeted rate just won't do.
Auckland Council is also consulting on its new proposed Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP).
The Biosecurity Act enables local government to produce an RPMP for their region to provide effective pest management.
The proposed Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) produced by Auckland Council staff (after consultation via their 2015 discussion document), is technically very sound.
In fact, I think it's an exciting strategy document that will put Auckland firmly back in place as biosecurity and biodiversity leaders.
However, it needs a realistic Targeted Environmental Rate to make sure it can be implemented.
Since the "supercity" came into being, and the Biosecurity Targeted Rate was lost from Auckland Regional Council, funding for pest management has been rapidly declining as funds have been diverted to other projects.
Other councils, like Hawke's Bay Regional Council, have been leading the way in implementing evidenced-based pest management for people, economy and biodiversity outcomes.
It's clear that if Auckland Council don't fund the full RPMP, then at best (Option B in the Long-term Plan consultation) they'll only be able to do 50 per cent of possum control and will only be able to protect around 66 per cent of our high value ecological areas on regional and local parks.
This will have major impacts on our biodiversity – Auckland Council and Aucklanders will have to sit back and watch while our parks become even more overrun with weeds and pests.
We'll have to wait another 10 years for another funding opportunity.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to invest in Auckland conservation.
Do you really want to be "doing your thing" over the next 10 years in an Auckland with further declining environmental and health outcomes?
Having biodiversity isn't just a "nice to have" – it's essential for healthy, happy Aucklanders.
I'll be asking for a targeted environmental rate that will halt the decline of our biodiversity – Option B ($47p.a.) won't cut it – we need to fully fund the Regional Pest Management Strategy at around $60 per residential ratepayer per year.
This hasn't been put forward as an option – but you can still ask for it by ticking "other" and specifying $60 or full RPMP in the comments section.
Come and ask me questions about the environmental aspects of the 10-year Budget at the Auckland Conversations Panel Q&A – with me, Rod Oram, Nicola Toki, Hayden Smith and facilitated by Bernard Hickey.
It's on this Thursday, Lower NZI, Aotea Centre, and doors open at 5pm.
Have your say before March 28 by submitting here.
You can also have your say on the Regional Pest Management Plan.
• Dr Margaret Stanley is an Associate Professor in Ecology in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Auckland