Whanau Trust Board head Lance O'Sullivan says the closure at Hato Petera is temporary. Photo / Dean Purcell
Whanau Trust Board head Lance O'Sullivan says the closure at Hato Petera is temporary. Photo / Dean Purcell
Trouble Hato Petera decides it can no longer meet the needs of Year 9 and Year 10 pupils.
Troubled Auckland Maori school Hato Petera has made the "painful" decision to close its junior boarding facility, saying it can no longer provide a supportive environment.
The Catholic school, in Northcote, says it hopes at least some of its Year 9 and 10 students will be able to attend as day pupils until the end of the year. Around 55 juniors are on the roll, according to the Ministry of Education.
Whanau Trust Board chairman Lance O'Sullivan said the closure was temporary, and a comprehensive review of the boarding facility was ongoing, working to address financial issues and examine the school's hostel model.
"[The] priority is for the hostel accommodation to provide an environment that ensures the safety and wellbeing of the students and enables good educational outcomes," a statement read.
"After a continuing and comprehensive review of the current situation, the board have decided that it is untenable for the trust to continue to provide the supportive environment that is required. Some of the buildings are cold and draughty and the plumbing is inadequate. Higher levels of specialised staffing are required to ensure the needs of students are adequately met."
The Herald has previously reported on issues at the school, including dilapidated buildings, bullying, infighting, the roll falling below 100 and a lack of confidence from its owner, the Catholic Church.
Two recent bullying incidents - including one where a child was attacked with a stick - had involved police, and fears over safety had led to parents removing children and the resignation of a board member.
Bishop of Auckland Patrick Dunn has said he wants to review the Maori boarding model, leading to fears of a full school closure. There are also concerns the church wants to sell the valuable land, and a Waitangi land claim is complicating relationships in the school community.
New board members were elected in June, including Dr O'Sullivan, a Kaitaia GP. However, problems have continued, including the principal being removed from his role on the hostel side of the school, and several other resignations.
Dr O'Sullivan said that he was saddened the board - which runs the hostel, not the school - had to come to the decision, which was not taken lightly.
"We acknowledge the challenges this is going to create for some of our families and students," he said.
He said the school was working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Auckland Catholic Diocese to ensure that the transition does not adversely affect the wellbeing and learning of the students.
Hato Petera is the sole remaining Maori boarding school in Auckland and one of only six in the country. Among its past pupils are Ranginui Walker, emeritus professor of Maori studies at Auckland University, All Black Walter Little and the late artist Ralph Hotere, ONZ.