A top doctor is urging pregnant women not to panic about high nitrate levels in Mid Canterbury water - despite earlier spotlighting the potentially fatal health risks.
Canterbury medical officer of health Alistair Humphrey has previously warned rural Ashburton residents of the serious dangers associated with some drinking water supplies, but said his comments were simply to raise awareness - not instil fear in the community.
Dr Humphrey said more action needed to be taken to protect the water quality in the district and pointed out high nitrate levels in some private and small water supplies was posing a risk to newborn babies.
In the worst situation, the high levels of nitrate could generate the fatal disease methemoglobinemia, otherwise known as blue-baby syndrome - affecting newborns up to three months - but only one suspected case had been reported in New Zealand.
"The important thing to emphasise is the town water supply is unaffected. Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome is very rare, very rare indeed.