Dozens of people were thrilled by a wildlife show only metres offshore as a pod of 10 bottlenose dolphins made their way up Whangarei Harbour yesterday.
What most spectators watching the dolphins passing close to Tamaterau and Onerahi did not see was a pod of orca near Whangarei Heads that may have frightened their smaller cousins into safer waters.
They were moving up harbour in a determined manner, staying close to shore, coming to the surface only to breathe and staying well under water the rest of the time. They passed Tamaterau at about 10.30am, came past Onerahi, swimming under the jetty and hugging the shore past George Point, and were near Kissing Point, their most in-harbour reach, at about 12pm.

The dolphins' behaviour had many spectators thinking the animals were too busy feeding to display their usual acrobatics on the surface. That "stealth mode" is typical of dolphins evading orca, said dolphin expert Floppy Halliday who had taken a report on the Whale Watch hotline at 10am yesterday that a pod of orca was off Parau Bay.