Parents truly have a right to be not only outraged but also greatly alarmed about sex being taught to their children. Full disclosure regarding what sex education is really about and what it does to kindgarten/schoolchildren is long overdue.
After years of study of the matter and experience as a social worker, I am convinced that all classroom sex education is bad, full stop. This is because it is such a sensitive issue that it needs to be left to parents. Sex as a subject for schoolchildren has now become a juggernaut, out of control, and the brakes have to be applied, quickly and sharply for the good of all schoolchildren.
It is harmful because children are literally at the mercy of the classroom teacher, as it is up to each teacher really as to what is taught. Sure, they have "guidelines" to follow but can teachers use their own resources and "innovate" in line with their own point of view?
Their "philosophy of life" may not correspond to that of parents. Philosophy, ethics, definitely concern instruction about how anyone should conduct themselves sexually.
It is not really a matter of what is acceptable but of what is good or harmful for the child. Relatively speaking, few schoolchildren are engaged in sexual activities despite claims to the contrary. Those who are should be encouraged to desist. In my experience, problems can be blown out of proportion. The ever increasing call for teachers to act as social workers as well has proved to be too much of an expectation.