The decision on Friday by the Supreme Court to end constitutional protections for abortion that have stood in America for nearly half a century is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states. Video / AP
Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson says bigotry is on the rise and revealed he was targeted with a homophobic threat at a public meeting.
In an Instagram post, Robertson said the world feels "volatile, scary and uncertain".
"After two years of stress and anxiety from the pandemic, the forces of hate and bigotry seem to be on the rise," he wrote.
Robertson, in the post, said a man who he believed to be opposed to the Covid-19 vaccine made homophobic remarks at a public meeting last week and said he was going to "f****** get him".
"He is not representative of a great movement is he?" Robertson asked.
"At one level, I feel like I don't want to overstate or amplify them. It is just a small minority right? Most people want women to have the right to choose, don't they? It was a lone gunman overnight in Oslo as the city prepared for its pride parade who went on a rampage at a gay bar killing two and injuring others, wasn't it?"
He said the answer did not matter, but the response does.
"As we view in horror the decision by the US Supreme Court to take away reproductive choice from millions of women, as we hear about another hate-motivated crime against the gay community, or attempts to marginalise the trans community, our response must be to stand together and support and protect each other," Robertson said.
"We simply have to stand up, organise and make sure rights are not just protected but enhanced."
On Saturday, the US Supreme Court ended constitutional protections for abortion that had been in place for nearly 50 years in America. The move is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states, affecting millions.
Abortion-rights activist rally at the Indiana Statehouse following Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Photo / AP
He called on Kiwis to call out bigotry and racism - even if it was not directed at them.
"If you know someone who is dangerous or is saying things that are threatening, don't let it slide by, report it," Robertson said.
"And make sure the people you elect will uphold the values of inclusion, equality and equity."
Robertson said he believed that NZ can lead the way, and that he felt proud during Matariki celebrations last Friday.
"I know that New Zealanders are for the most part fair-minded and generous," he said.