The Brains Trust episode 5. Made with funding from NZ On Air. Video / Mike Scott
When Bob Scott moved into a retirement home, the Post-it note on the fridge said it all.
"My daughter's name is Christine."
Christine Cole was Bob's sole carer when he moved into a retirement home in 2013 and was manifesting signs of dementia.
"I cleared out his house and I could see how much he was struggling. He had notes everywhere about what to do. He was probably 70 when dementia started, he wasn't coping and he couldn't remember things," Chris said.
Chris Cole was her father Bob Scott's sole carer. Photo / Mike Scott
For most of his life, Bob Scott lived alone and became a "lost scared soul".
His son Mike said: "He was paranoid about his neighbours and thought people were trying to take his money or trying to get him out of his flat - that's classic dementia."
Mike's childhood was fraught. He lived in fear of his father, who was violent and an alcoholic.
"I'd often go to bed and you'd be listening to this argument, listening for what the problem was to see if I could solve it. He was never violent to me, my brother or sister, but there was some aggression that was physical towards my mum.