Oops, I seem to have accidentally joined a cult. This is disturbing. I don't go to church. I don't like sport. I suspect I may be deficient in oxytocin receptors; oxytocin being the cuddly hormone that spurts when your rugby team wins.
Yet, here I am. I've given up part of my individualistic weekend - taking my children to swimming lessons - to spend my Saturday sitting in a darkened auditorium with 2000 other people - "my tribe" - getting inspired at a thing called TEDx.
I am inspired by Jimi Hunt, in a suit he stole from Angus-in-AC/DC, talking about overcoming depression and building the world's biggest waterslide. "Bite off more than you can chew and then chew furiously."
I am inspired by taonga Dr Richard Nunns playing a traditional Maori instrument that makes a spooky noise, the sort of thing I might have thought embarrassingly unsophisticated in a previous incarnation, yet as he performs with King Kapisi I have tears in my eyes.
Get a grip, Deborah. You don't wear Red Socks and you are wary of worshipping leaders of any kind. Yet when PR guru Brian Sweeney talks about Punk Eek (short for punctuated equilibrium, the idea that change happens on the margins) and puts up pictures of Katherine Mansfield and Ernest Rutherford, I get that shivery feeling that comes from being in the presence of awesomeness.