COMMENT: Our Prime Minister is iconic. You'd be hard pressed to counter that idea. Polling is now starting to catch on to this idea of Jacinda as a phenom. She damn near single handedly dragged Labour off the opposition benches after inheriting a dispirited and damaged group seven weeks before a General Election. But our Prime Minister has been on parental leave for a month and in that time we've had a sort of political vacuum.
Usually if such a vacuum occurs the opposition might use it to get some cut-through, let the country know what it stands for. But National seems to stand for nothing except an empty jar of hair gel.
I was talking to a Labour front-bencher and they said to me "If you asked me what National's policy on just about anything was, I wouldn't be able to tell you, and I sit opposite them." Which is not a reflection on their listening skills, but rather that National is bereft. Bereft of ideas. Personality. Communication skills. Anything really.
Ask yourself, what is a National Party policy? All I can think of is MORE TAX CUTS, and maybe FEWER ABORTIONS. But the anti-abortion policy is more Simon Bridges' than National's, and the tax cuts policy seems to have flown out the door because National keeps complaining that the Government isn't spending enough money.
In the now infamous Radio Hauraki interview that Bridges did about Jacinda and Clarke's daughter, he stressed that he didn't hate wee Neve and then made jokes about gender fluidity and her picking up crazy ideas at university. It was not classy.