COMMENT: There is a lot of commentary regarding New Zealand First's proposal of a Respecting New Zealand Values Bill which emerged out of a popular vote for the remit to be considered for policy.
Values mentioned include respect for gender equality, legal sexual preferences, freedom of religion and, perhaps the most asinine, the freedom to drink booze.
It is beyond doubt many cultures' traditions, culture and religion clash with Western standards. That division is apparent in Europe and other places with large immigrant populations.
But this is dog-whistle politics; an impractical PR stunt which even the Minister of Internal Affairs (an NZ First MP) has said is unnecessary. We have laws for a reason; and unlike NZ First they don't discriminate. The foundation of our legal system is our values, and while it changes slowly it does eventually catch up with modern norms. People who break the law learn pretty quickly what our values are.
What frustrates me is the underlying message. Entertaining the idea of forcing others to live by "our values" implies that immigrants are unworthy, and they will automatically degrade New Zealand by merely existing. It's virtue signalling at its worst. The only audience this appeals to is patriotic New Zealanders who think immigrants are degrading the country.