Dame Susan Devoy has promised to 'keep an eye' on Winston Peters. A better use of her time would be to take a civics lesson.
Personally, my vocabulary is inadequate when it comes to Mr Baubles. I'd need a new noun, something stronger than antipathy, to articulate my contempt for the man; but I am a columnist writing in a privately owned newspaper.
Susan Devoy is no longer a columnist, she is a public servant charged with providing race relations services to the public; what right does she have to sing on a political stage? Imagine the Electricity Commission coming out and denouncing Contact Energy for being expensive. These officers are there to enforce the rules; not to pass judgement on the players.
After Devoy's ill-considered comments Peters asked aloud; had Devoy even read his speech? It was a fair question. We all know a dog-whistle when we hear one but Peters should be judged by what he actually said, not what was filtered through the Chinese whispers of media sound-bites (bad pun intended).
The speech is on his website and although it is the usual xenophobic nonsense that nationalistic politicians never tire from, the most offensive thing in it was that he quoted Keynes.